Tachometer brand new - A110 FASA - ALPINE A110
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Tachometer brand new - A110 FASA - ALPINE A110

As new Original (OEM) vintage part


Tachometer brand new, original part, no replica - For A110 FASA (Spanish version)
See the description in its original language (German) : Drehzahlenmesser fabrikneu, Originalteil, kein Nachbau - Für A110 FASA (Spanische Version)
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Fitment/Compatibility with

(1962 - 1977)

Part : Rev counter for ALPINE A110

Manufacturer : VEGLIA Borletti

Private individual - Austria Drapeau at

Package weight : 2 Kg
Shipping option :
Shipping costs to be added according to the delivery method proposed by the seller.

Price incl. VAT :
1,014,00 €(excluding shipping costs)
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Classic Parts Finder's review

At first glance, this rev counter might appear to be a remanufacture that differs from the original A110, but it's a Spanish version, manufactured by Veglia for its subsidiary FASA-Renault. The origins of the latter, which go back to the Franco past, will enable Renault to establish a strong foothold in Spain. The A110s were very popular, and were even produced a year longer than in France, reaching a total of over 1,500 units. While the engines were different, there were other special features, such as the rev counter shown here. Although identical in make (Veglia), it featured the Spanish wording, the orange/red zone, and a different needle from the French version. After checking with the seller, he confirmed that this was not a remanufacture, but an original rev-counter.

See in its original language (French) : Ce compte-tour pourrait laisser penser à première vue à une refabrication qui diffère de l'original que l'on connaît sur les A110, mais il s'agit d'une version espagnole, fabriquée par Veglia pour sa filiale FASA-Renault. Les origines de cette dernière, qui remontent au passé franciste, permettra à Renault de bien s'implanter sur le territoire espagnol. Les A110 étaient très appréciées et furent même produites une année de plus qu'en France, pour attendre un total de plus de 1'500 exemplaires. Si les motorisations étaient différentes, on notait également d'autres spécificités, comme le compte-tour que vous voyez ici. Si de marque identique (Veglia), il comprenait les mentions en espagnole, la matérialisation de la zone orange/rouge, ainsi qu'une aiguille différente de la version française. Après vérification auprès du vendeur, ce dernier nous a attesté qu'il ne s'agissait pas ici d'une refabrication, mais bien d'un compte-tour d'origine.
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Looking for a Rev counter for ALPINE A110?

The Classic Parts Finder community offers you a selection of spare parts for your ALPINE A110, and in particular the following part: Rev counter in the following condition: as new. and was made by VEGLIA Borletti.

Tachometer brand new - A110 FASA is one original (oem) vintage part.