Large ceiling light with reading spots - CITROËN CX - Ref. 9561191580
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Large ceiling light with reading spots - CITROËN CX - Ref. 9561191580

As new Original (OEM) vintage part


Large ceiling light with two reading spots. For Series 2 (or even 1). Brand new and boxed, Citroën stamped.
See the description in its original language (French) : Grand plafonnier avec deux spots de lecture. Pour Série 2 (voire 1). Neuf dans son carton d'origine estampillé Citroën
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Fitment/Compatibility with

(1974 - 1991)

Part : Roof interior lighting for CITROËN CX

Part reference : 9561191580

Professional seller - Hauts-de-France - France Drapeau fr

Package weight : 4 Kg
Shipping option :
Hand-delivery and shipment
Shipping costs to be added according to the delivery method proposed by the seller.

Price incl. VAT :
182.00 €(excluding shipping costs)
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Illustration commentaire CPF

Classic Parts Finder's review

Citroën CX models have been fitted with various types of ceiling lights, depending on the vintage and finish. The first Pallas versions featured a particularly elegant long white cabochon borrowed from the SM, which was later found on some GS models. In the early '80s, and on Prestige, Pallas and GTI versions, the ceiling light evolved, with the addition of an adjustable reading spot for the rear seats. This is the latest generation, with two reading spots on a grey background.

See in its original language (French) : Les Citroën CX ont connu plusieurs sortes de plafonniers, en fonction des millésimes, mais aussi des finitions. Les premières versions Pallas arboraient un long cabochon blanc particulièrement élégant emprunté aux SM, que l'on retrouvera ensuite même sur certaines GS. Au début des années 80, et sur les versions Prestige, Pallas ou GTI, le plafonnier évolua, avec l'ajout d'un spot de lecture orientable pour les places arrières. Il s'agit ici de la dernière génération, équipée de deux spots de lecture, sur fond gris.
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Illustration de vague

Looking for a Roof interior lighting for CITROËN CX?

The Classic Parts Finder community offers you a selection of spare parts for your CITROËN CX, and in particular the following part: Roof interior lighting in the following condition: as new. The part carries the reference 9561191580

Large ceiling light with reading spots is one original (oem) vintage part.