Reflectors - DS/ID and Ami 6 station wagon - CITROËN DS / ID - Ref. TPV 497 / BS2515G2
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Reflectors - DS/ID and Ami 6 station wagon - CITROËN DS / ID - Ref. TPV 497 / BS2515G2

Good Original (OEM) vintage part


Reflectors, one with chrome trim. Price per unit
See the description in its original language (French) : Catadioptres, dont un avec son cerclage chromé. Prix à l'unité
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Fitment/Compatibility with

(1955 - 1975)
(1961 - 1969)

Part : Taillight for CITROËN DS / ID

Manufacturer : SEIMA

Part reference : TPV 497 / BS2515G2

Professional seller - France Drapeau fr

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Classic Parts Finder's review

This type of retro-reflector was used on both Citroën ID/DS and Ami 6 station wagons. However, their mountings (not shown here) were different.

See in its original language (French) : Ce type de catadioptre a équipé aussi bien les Citroën ID/DS que les Ami 6 break. Leur support (non présent ici) était toutefois différent.
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Looking for a Taillight for CITROËN DS / ID?

The Classic Parts Finder community offers you a selection of spare parts for your CITROËN DS / ID, and in particular the following part: Taillight in the following condition: good. The part carries the reference TPV 497 / BS2515G2 and was made by SEIMA. This part is also compatible with: CITROËN Ami 6 (1961 - 1969).

Reflectors - DS/ID and Ami 6 station wagon is one original (oem) vintage part.