Indicator block Control lights - CITROËN SM - Ref. 305363 01
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Indicator block Control lights - CITROËN SM - Ref. 305363 01

As new Original (OEM) vintage part


Original part in new condition - NOS (New Old Stock)
See the description in its original language (French) : Pièce d'origine en état neuf - NOS (New Old Stock)
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Fitment/Compatibility with

(1970 - 1975)

Part : Instrumentcluster for CITROËN SM

Manufacturer : Citroën

Part reference : 305363 01

Professional seller - Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur - France Drapeau fr

Package weight : 1 Kg
Shipping option :
Shipping costs to be added according to the delivery method proposed by the seller.

Price incl. VAT :
195,00 €(excluding shipping costs)
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Classic Parts Finder's review

The Citroën SM's control light cluster (a sort of central alarm unit) is largely inspired by that of the last Citroën DS dashboard, released less than a year earlier for the 1970 vintage. It features virtually all the same attributes. However, there's a parking brake indicator, something that DS/IDs will never have, but which has become quite common and practical. Badmouths used to say that when the 'STOP' light came on, it was already too late ;). In any case, build quality seems much better than on the DS (but let's not forget that an SM cost 2.5 times the price of a DS 23ie Pallas...). Nowadays, finding this kind of part in 'NOS' is something of a minor miracle.

See in its original language (French) : Le bloc indicateur de voyants de contrôle des Citroën SM (une sorte de centrale d'alarme) est largement inspiré de celui du dernier tableau de bord des Citroën DS, sorti moins d'une année plus tôt pour le millésime 1970. Il reprend pratiquement tous les mêmes attributs. On remarque toutefois la présence d'un témoin de frein de parking, chose que les DS/ID n'auront jamais, et pourtant devenue bien courante et pratique. Les mauvaises langues avaient tendance à dire que lorsque le témoin 'STOP' s'allumait, il était déjà bien trop tard ;). La qualité de fabrication semble dans tous les cas bien meilleure que sur la DS (mais n'oublions qu'une SM coûtait 2.5 fois le prix d'une DS 23ie Pallas...). Trouver de nos jours ce genre de pièce en 'NOS' relève plutôt du petit miracle.
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Looking for a Instrumentcluster for CITROËN SM?

The Classic Parts Finder community offers you a selection of spare parts for your CITROËN SM, and in particular the following part: Instrumentcluster in the following condition: as new. The part carries the reference 305363 01 and was made by Citroën.

Indicator block Control lights is one original (oem) vintage part.