Carburetor for Mercedes 190 - MERCEDES BENZ 190 (W201) - Ref. 2015420006 / 2015400047 (?)
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Carburetor for Mercedes 190 - MERCEDES BENZ 190 (W201) - Ref. 2015420006 / 2015400047 (?)

Good Original (OEM) vintage part


Mercedes 190 petrol 4-cylinder carburettor speedometer (stamped with the year 1986)
See the description in its original language (French) : Compteur de vitesses Mercedes 190 essence carburateur 4 cylindres (estampillée avec l'année 1986)
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Fitment/Compatibility with

(1982 - 1993)

Part : Instrumentcluster for MERCEDES BENZ 190 (W201)

Manufacturer : VDO

Part reference : 2015420006 / 2015400047 (?)

Professional seller - France Drapeau fr

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Classic Parts Finder's review

This meter unit corresponds to the entry-level version of the 'little' Mercedes presented in 1982, not equipped with mechanical fuel injection. It can be recognized by the large clock on the right-hand side, and its speedometer graduated up to 220 km/h). This somewhat 'wheezy' version (90hp then 105hp DIN) was produced far less than the '190 E' version, the most produced. It was often neglected on the second-hand market, which makes it a rather rare model today.

See in its original language (French) : Ce bloc compteur correspond au modèle d'entrée de gamme de la 'petite' Mercedes présentée en 1982, en version d'entrée de gamme, non-équipée de l'injection mécanique. On le reconnaît à l'horloge de grande dimension sur la partie droite, et son compteur gradué jusqu'à 220 km/h). Cette version un peu 'poussive' (90cv puis 105cv DIN) a été largement moins produite que la version '190 E', la plus produite. Elle fut souvent négligée en occasion, ce qui en fait désormais un modèle assez rare.
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Looking for a Instrumentcluster for MERCEDES BENZ 190 (W201)?

The Classic Parts Finder community offers you a selection of spare parts for your MERCEDES BENZ 190 (W201), and in particular the following part: Instrumentcluster in the following condition: good. The part carries the reference 2015420006 / 2015400047 (?) and was made by VDO.

Carburetor for Mercedes 190 is one original (oem) vintage part.