Pair of orange flashing lights - MERCEDES BENZ SL (R129) - Ref. 1305231911 (D) / 1305231910 (G)
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Pair of orange flashing lights - MERCEDES BENZ SL (R129) - Ref. 1305231911 (D) / 1305231910 (G)

Good Original (OEM) vintage part


Pair of original R129 (SL) phase 1 blinker lights. Bosch 'Made in Germany' - No breaks or cracks. Good condition. Slight surface scratch on right front turn signal (see photo). Ref. front right: A1298260143 / 1298260343 / Bosch: 1305231911 Ref. front left: A1298260043 / 1298260043 / Bosch: 1305231910
See the description in its original language (French) : Paire de feux clignotants d'origine R129 (SL) phase 1. Bosch 'Made in Germany' - Aucune cassure ni fissure. Bel état. Légère rayure de surface sur le clignotant avant droit (voir photo). Ref. avant droite: A1298260143 / 1298260343 / Bosch: 1305231911 Ref. avant gauche: A1298260043 / 1298260043 / Bosch: 1305231910
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Fitment/Compatibility with

(1989 - 2001)

Part : Front turn signal for MERCEDES BENZ SL (R129)

Manufacturer : Bosch

Part reference : 1305231911 (D) / 1305231910 (G)

Professional seller - France Drapeau fr

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Classic Parts Finder's review

A geeky remark, perhaps, but most of the orange turn signals (early SL R129 models) were produced in various countries, and Bosch made most of them in the Czech Republic. More rarely, as here, they were made in Germany, and you'll even find the words 'Made in Germany' on the visible part of the blinker, bottom right and left.

See in its original language (French) : Remarque peut-être de 'geek', mais la plupart des clignotants de couleur orange (tous premiers modèles de SL R129 ont été produits dans divers pays, et Bosch les fabriquait pour l'essentiel en République Tchèque. Plus rarement comme ici, ils étaient fabriqués en Allemagne, et on trouve même la mention 'Made in Germany' sur la partie visible du clignotant, en bas à droite et à gauche.
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Looking for a Front turn signal for MERCEDES BENZ SL (R129)?

The Classic Parts Finder community offers you a selection of spare parts for your MERCEDES BENZ SL (R129), and in particular the following part: Front turn signal in the following condition: good. The part carries the reference 1305231911 (D) / 1305231910 (G) and was made by Bosch.

Pair of orange flashing lights is one original (oem) vintage part.