License plate holder - MERCEDES BENZ SL (R129)
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License plate holder - MERCEDES BENZ SL (R129)

As new Aftermarket part


Identical to the original. Made in Germany. Includes two fixing screws. Part to be painted. For information, original Mercedes ref.: A12988500817700
See the description in its original language (French) : Pièce identique à l'originale. Fabriquée en Allemagne. Comprend les deux vis de fixation. Pièce à peindre. A titre indicatif, ref. d'origine Mercedes: A12988500817700
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Fitment/Compatibility with

(1989 - 2001)

Part : License plate holder for MERCEDES BENZ SL (R129)

Professional seller - France Drapeau fr

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Classic Parts Finder's review

This part is still available in original from Mercedes, but for more money (150 euros at least). This is a good quality remanufactured part, that I could see for myself, less expensive than the original. The quality is good. Be careful, you'll have to paint the part before installing it, depending on the color of your bumper.

See in its original language (French) : Cette pièce se trouve encore en origine chez Mercedes, mais pour plus cher (150 euros au minimum). Il s'agit ici d'une pièce de refabrication de bonne facture, que j'ai pu voir moi-même de visu, moins onéreuse que l'originale. La qualité est au rendez-vous. Attention, il faudra peindre de préférence la pièce avant l'installer, et ce en fonction de la couleur de votre pare-choc.
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Looking for a License plate holder for MERCEDES BENZ SL (R129)?

The Classic Parts Finder community offers you a selection of spare parts for your MERCEDES BENZ SL (R129), and in particular the following part: License plate holder in the following condition: as new.

License plate holder is one aftermarket part.