Tail lights red/red - MERCEDES BENZ W111 / W112 (Heckflosse) - Ref. A1138201664 - 1138201664 (R) / A1138201564 - 1138201564
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Tail lights red/red - MERCEDES BENZ W111 / W112 (Heckflosse) - Ref. A1138201664 - 1138201664 (R) / A1138201564 - 1138201564

Good Original (OEM) vintage part


Rear lights with red indicators (right and left), year of manufacture 1964
See the description in its original language (German) : Rücklichter mit rotem Blinklicht (rechts und links), Baujahr 1964
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Fitment/Compatibility with

MERCEDES BENZ SL (W113) (Pagode) MERCEDES BENZ SL (W113) (Pagode)
(1963 - 1971)
MERCEDES BENZ W111 / W112 (Heckflosse) MERCEDES BENZ W111 / W112 (Heckflosse)
(1959 - 1965)

Part : Taillight for MERCEDES BENZ W111 / W112 (Heckflosse)

Part reference : A1138201664 - 1138201664 (R) / A1138201564 - 1138201564

Private individual - Germany Drapeau de

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Classic Parts Finder's review

These rear lights fit the 'Pagoda' of the first generation (until 1969). Later, the design was changed slightly to incorporate amber indicators. The Mercedes W111 Cabriolets also had the same ones. These tail lights are available in reproductions at very different prices (from 350 euros to double that - and per piece!). This original pair appears to be in good condition, with the exception of the seal (easy to find).

See in its original language (German) : Diese Rückleuchten passen zu den 'Pagode' der ersten Generation (bis 1969). Später wurde das Design leicht verändert, um gelbe Blinker zu integrieren. Auch die Mercedes W111 Cabriolets hatten die gleichen. Diese Rückleuchten gibt es in Nachfertigungen zu sehr unterschiedlichen Preisen (von 350 Euro bis zum Doppelten - und pro Stück!). Dieses Originalpaar scheint in gutem Zustand zu sein, mit Ausnahme der Dichtung (leicht zu finden).
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Looking for a Taillight for MERCEDES BENZ W111 / W112 (Heckflosse)?

The Classic Parts Finder community offers you a selection of spare parts for your MERCEDES BENZ W111 / W112 (Heckflosse), and in particular the following part: Taillight in the following condition: good. The part carries the reference A1138201664 - 1138201664 (R) / A1138201564 - 1138201564 This part is also compatible with: MERCEDES BENZ SL (W113) (Pagode) (1963 - 1971).

Tail lights red/red is one original (oem) vintage part.