Left rear light for phase 2 - PEUGEOT 305 - Ref. OEM: 6350.62 / 1124701
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Left rear light for phase 2 - PEUGEOT 305 - Ref. OEM: 6350.62 / 1124701

As new Original (OEM) vintage part


Left rear light for sedan, new in its original packaging with its bulb holder plate
See the description in its original language (French) : Feu arrière gauche pour berline, neuf dans son emballage d'origine avec sa platine porte ampoule
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Fitment/Compatibility with

(1977 - 1988)

Part : Taillight for PEUGEOT 305

Manufacturer : Frankani

Part reference : OEM: 6350.62 / 1124701

Sold directly by CPF Drapeau Français Drapeau Allemand

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Classic Parts Finder's review

This car has become rare when new, especially for the phase 2 (from June 1982 to 1988). The 305 Peugeot is just beginning to be of interest to collectors. It was about time! If you want to have a more powerful and better equipped engine, go for the GT and GTX versions. The 'grail': a GTX station wagon. The blue velvet seats are superb and very comfortable. They were made of the same velvet as the 505 Turbo ;-). But finally, why not choose a good old GR, GL or even Diesel. Their sturdiness is legendary, and they are super economical.

See in its original language (French) : Pièce devenue rare en neuf, surtout pour les phases 2 (de juin 1982 à 1988). Les 305 Peugeot commencent tout juste à connaître un intérêt en collection. Il était temps! Si vous souhaitez avoir un moteur un peu 'pêchu' et mieux équipé, privilégiez les versions GT et GTX. Le 'graal': un break GTX. Les sièges velours bleu sont superbes et très confortables. Ils reprenaient d'ailleurs le même velours que les 505 Turbo ;-). Mais finalement, pourquoi ne pas privilégier une bonne vieille GR, GL ou voire Diesel. Leur robustesse est légendaire, et ces dernières sont super économiques.
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Looking for a Taillight for PEUGEOT 305?

The Classic Parts Finder community offers you a selection of spare parts for your PEUGEOT 305, and in particular the following part: Taillight in the following condition: as new. The part carries the reference OEM: 6350.62 / 1124701 and was made by Frankani.

Left rear light for phase 2 is one original (oem) vintage part.