Headlight surround - PEUGEOT 404
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Headlight surround - PEUGEOT 404

Satisfactory Original (OEM) vintage part


Headlight surround for Peugeot 404, painted (not chromed).
See the description in its original language (French) : Cerclage de phare pour Peugeot 404, peint (non-chromé).
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Fitment/Compatibility with

(1960 - 1989)

Part : Headlight holder for PEUGEOT 404

Professional seller - Nouvelle-Aquitaine - France Drapeau fr

Package weight : 2 Kg
Shipping option :
Hand-delivery and shipment
Shipping costs to add based on the delivery method chosen.

Price incl. VAT :
12.50 €(excluding shipping costs)
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Classic Parts Finder's review

One easy way to recognize the first generations of 404s is by their painted surrounds. However, from the end of 1960, the most luxurious versions opted for chrome surrounds. The distinction remained for sedans until 1966. These surrounds (or headlight doors) are mainly found on station wagon and pick-up versions, which is understandable given their utilitarian vocation. In 1969, this special feature disappeared altogether.

See in its original language (French) : Un moyen de reconnaître facilement les premières générations de 404 est à ses entourages peints. Toutefois, dès la fin 1960, les versions les plus luxueuses optent pour un entourage chromé. La distinction persistera pour les berlines jusqu'en 1966. On trouve ces entourages (ou porte de phare) essentiellement sur les versions breaks et pick-up, ce qui est compréhensible, étant donné leur vocation utilitaire. En 1969, cette spécificité disparaîtra complètement.
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Looking for a Headlight holder for PEUGEOT 404?

The Classic Parts Finder community offers you a selection of spare parts for your PEUGEOT 404, and in particular the following part: Headlight holder in the following condition: satisfactory.

Headlight surround is one original (oem) vintage part.