Tail lights + plate - RENAULT 16 (R16) - Ref. 8076 E
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Tail lights + plate - RENAULT 16 (R16) - Ref. 8076 E

As new Original (OEM) vintage part


2 Tail lights with reversing light Cibié cabochons / Seima plates - 1 Left light complete (plate + cabochon) - 1 Right light complete (platinum + cabochon) - Ref: 8076 E - DGM 8187 PR - White reversing lights New parts from old stock
See the description in its original language (French) : 2 Feux arrières avec feu de recul Cabochons de marque Cibié / Platines de marque Seima - 1 Feu Gauche complet (platine + cabochon) - 1 Feu Droit complet (platine+ cabochon) - Ref: 8076 E - DGM 8187 PR - Feux de recul blancs Pièces neuves ancien stock
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Fitment/Compatibility with

RENAULT 16 (R16) RENAULT 16 (R16)
(1965 - 1980)

Part : Taillight for RENAULT 16 (R16)

Manufacturer : Cibié

Part reference : 8076 E

Private individual - Grand Est - France Drapeau fr

Package weight : 2.8 Kg
Package dimensions (L x W x H) :
60cm x 40cm x 40cm
Shipping option :
Shipping costs to be added according to the delivery method proposed by the seller.

Price incl. VAT :
295,00 €(excluding shipping costs)
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Illustration commentaire CPF

Classic Parts Finder's review

While it's still very easy to find R16 phase 2 lamp covers without reversing lights, this is unfortunately no longer the case for the models equipped with them. R16 TX models were the first to feature them as standard, and it was only at the end of their career that all R16s were equipped with them.

See in its original language (French) : Si trouver des cabochons de feu de R16 phase 2 sans feu de recul est encore très facile de nos jours, ce n'est malheureusement plus le cas pour les modèles qui en sont équipés. Les R16 TX furent les premières à en proposer de série, et c'est en fin de carrière que toutes les R16 en ont été dotées.
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Illustration de vague

Looking for a Taillight for RENAULT 16 (R16)?

The Classic Parts Finder community offers you a selection of spare parts for your RENAULT 16 (R16), and in particular the following part: Taillight in the following condition: as new. The part carries the reference 8076 E and was made by Cibié.

Tail lights + plate is one original (oem) vintage part.