R4 van wheel flaps - RENAULT 4 / 3 / F (R4) - Ref. 2143
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R4 van wheel flaps - RENAULT 4 / 3 / F (R4) - Ref. 2143

As new Original (OEM) vintage part


Vintage wheel flaps for Renault 4 f4 f6 van Left and right
See the description in its original language (French) : Bavettes de roue vintage pour Renault 4 f4 f6 fourgonnette Droite et gauche
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Fitment/Compatibility with

RENAULT 4 / 3 / F (R4) RENAULT 4 / 3 / F (R4)
(1961 - 1994)

Part : Car flap for RENAULT 4 / 3 / F (R4)

Manufacturer : rb

Part reference : 2143

Professional seller - France Drapeau fr

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Classic Parts Finder's review

These wheel flaps certainly date from before 1972, as they feature the brand's earlier Renault logo (from 1959 to 1972). This type of NOS part is no longer very common, and could be ideal as part of a fine restoration with original accessories.

See in its original language (French) : Ces bavettes de roue datent assurément d'avant 1972, puisqu'elles comportent le logo Renault antérieur de la marque (de 1959 à 1972). Ce type de pièce en NOS n'est désormais plus très courant, et pourrait être idéal dans le cadre d'une belle restauration avec des accessoires d'origine.
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Looking for a Car flap for RENAULT 4 / 3 / F (R4)?

The Classic Parts Finder community offers you a selection of spare parts for your RENAULT 4 / 3 / F (R4), and in particular the following part: Car flap in the following condition: as new. The part carries the reference 2143 and was made by Rb.

R4 van wheel flaps is one original (oem) vintage part.