Ventilation control - RENAULT Twingo I - Ref. 9140010 / 940525 / 52459
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Ventilation control - RENAULT Twingo I - Ref. 9140010 / 940525 / 52459

Good Original (OEM) vintage part


Ventilation control taken from an early Twingo (1993), with two-speed ventilation control only. Functional, good condition, needs cleaning.
See the description in its original language (French) : Commande de ventilation prélevée sur une des toutes premières Twingo (1993), avec la commande de ventilation à deux vitesses seulement. Fonctionnelle, bon état, à nettoyer.
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Fitment/Compatibility with

(1993 - 2013)

Part : Ventilation control for RENAULT Twingo I

Manufacturer : GKR / HARRISON / SCHUSTER

Part reference : 9140010 / 940525 / 52459

Professional seller - France Drapeau fr

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Classic Parts Finder's review

This part is not so insignificant. In fact, it comes from the very first Twingo models, which were equipped with a two-speed ventilation system only (sometimes deemed insufficient, or too noisy in position 2). This was improved for the 1996 model year, with the addition of an interior air recirculation function.

See in its original language (French) : Cette pièce n'est pas si anodine que cela. En effet, elle provient des toutes premières Twingo, qui n'étaient équipées d'un système de ventilation qu'à deux vitesses seulement (jugée parfois insuffisante, ou trop bruyante en position 2). La chose fut améliorée pour le millésime 1996, avec en sus l'ajout d'une fonction recyclage de l'air intérieur.
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Looking for a Ventilation control for RENAULT Twingo I?

The Classic Parts Finder community offers you a selection of spare parts for your RENAULT Twingo I, and in particular the following part: Ventilation control in the following condition: good. The part carries the reference 9140010 / 940525 / 52459 and was made by GKR / HARRISON / SCHUSTER.

Ventilation control is one original (oem) vintage part.