Engine for Matra, Simca and Talbot - SIMCA-CHRYSLER-TALBOT 1100 / 1204 / VF - Ref. 06434376
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Engine for Matra, Simca and Talbot - SIMCA-CHRYSLER-TALBOT 1100 / 1204 / VF - Ref. 06434376

Good Original (OEM) vintage part


Engine (possibility of supplying starter, alternator and commutator) for Matra Bagheera (from this model), Simca 1100, Simca 1000 and Talbot Horizon. Further information on request.
See the description in its original language (French) : Moteur (possibilité de fournir démarreur, alternateur et collecteur) pour Matra Bagheera (provenance de ce modèle), Simca 1100, Simca 1000 et Talbot Horizon. Plus d'informations sur demande.
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Fitment/Compatibility with

(1973 - 1980)
(1967 - 1985)
(1978 - 1986)

Part : Cylinder block for SIMCA-CHRYSLER-TALBOT 1100 / 1204 / VF

Part reference : 06434376

Professional seller - France Drapeau fr

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Classic Parts Finder's review

If this engine comes from a Matra Bagherra, this block is either a 1 294 cm3 or 1 442 cm3 (the latter with single or double carburettor). From 1979, all models were equipped with the 1 442cm3. To be checked with the seller.

See in its original language (French) : Si ce moteur provient d'une Matra Bagherra, ce bloc est soit un 1 294 cm3 ou 1 442 cm3 (ce dernier avec simple ou double carburateur double-corps). A partir de 1979, tous les modèles étaient équipés du 1 442cm3. A vérifier avec le vendeur.
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Looking for a Cylinder block for SIMCA-CHRYSLER-TALBOT 1100 / 1204 / VF?

The Classic Parts Finder community offers you a selection of spare parts for your SIMCA-CHRYSLER-TALBOT 1100 / 1204 / VF, and in particular the following part: Cylinder block in the following condition: good. The part carries the reference 06434376 This part is also compatible with: MATRA-SIMCA-TALBOT Bagheera (1973 - 1980), SIMCA-CHRYSLER-TALBOT Horizon (1978 - 1986).

Engine for Matra, Simca and Talbot is one original (oem) vintage part.