Large rear window - CITROËN 2CV - Ref. Glace Luxrit BS - 43R-001019
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Large rear window - CITROËN 2CV - Ref. Glace Luxrit BS - 43R-001019

Good Original (OEM) vintage part


Rear window for 2CV, for large window (without defroster) Dimensions approx. 345 x 860mm Brand: Saint Gobain - with the mention 'Glace Luxrit BS - 43R-001019'. Good condition. No scratches found. Shipment possible (with transport insurance)
See the description in its original language (French) : Lunette arrière pour 2CV, pour vitre grand modèle (sans dégivrage) Dimensions approx. 345 x 860mm Marque: Saint Gobain - avec la mention 'Glace Luxrit BS - 43R-001019' Bon état. Pas de rayures de constatées. Envoi possible (avec assurance transport)
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Fitment/Compatibility with

(1949 - 1990)

Part : Rear window for CITROËN 2CV

Manufacturer : Saint Gobain

Part reference : Glace Luxrit BS - 43R-001019

Sold directly by CPF Drapeau Français Drapeau Allemand

Package weight : 3 Kg
Shipping option :
Hand-delivery and shipment
Shipping costs to be added according to the delivery method proposed by the seller.

Price incl. VAT :
20,00 €(excluding shipping costs)
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Classic Parts Finder's review

In 1956, the Citroën 2CV was already 8 years old, which was already a long time (albeit a derisory one, given the model's career!). However, it was time for the Javel brand to react to the rise of the competition, and in particular to better equip its model. The 2CV thus gained in finish and equipment, and the rear window was enlarged (345 x 860 mm instead of 277 x 647 mm). On the other hand, we had to wait another year to see the appearance of a trunk door on certain models (before generalizing to the whole range). Much later, the latest versions of the 2CV will even feature integrated defrosting. The ultimate luxury ;).

See in its original language (French) : En 1956, la Citroën 2CV a déjà 8 ans, ce qui est déjà beaucoup (certes, dérisoire, lorsque l'on connaît la carrière du modèle!). Il est temps cependant pour la marque de Javel de réagir face à la montée de la concurrence, et en particulier de mieux équiper son modèle. La 2CV va ainsi gagner en finition et en équipement, et on note justement l'élargissement de la lunette arrière (345 x 860mm au lieu de 277 x 647 mm). Par contre, il va falloir attendre encore une année pour voir apparaître une porte de coffre sur certains modèles (avant généralisation sur toute la gamme). Bien plus tard, les dernières versions de 2CV connaîtront même le dégivrage intégré. Le grand luxe ;).
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Looking for a Rear window for CITROËN 2CV?

The Classic Parts Finder community offers you a selection of spare parts for your CITROËN 2CV, and in particular the following part: Rear window in the following condition: good. The part carries the reference Glace Luxrit BS - 43R-001019 and was made by Saint Gobain.

Large rear window is one original (oem) vintage part.