Vintage advertising - 104 Berline - PEUGEOT 104 / 104 Z
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Vintage advertising - 104 Berline - PEUGEOT 104 / 104 Z

Satisfactory Original (OEM) vintage part


Vintage advertisement for Peugeot 104 Sedan. Complete. Some signs of use. Year: 1973 12 pages In four languages: French, German, Italian, Dutch
See the description in its original language (French) : Publicité d'époque de Peugeot 104 Berline. Complète. Quelques marques d'usage. Année: 1973 12 pages En quatre langues: Français, Allemand, Italien, Néerlandais
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Fitment/Compatibility with

PEUGEOT 104 / 104 Z PEUGEOT 104 / 104 Z
(1972 - 1988)

Part : Brochure & poster for PEUGEOT 104 / 104 Z

Professional seller - France Drapeau fr

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Classic Parts Finder's review

This is one of the very first advertising brochures for the 104 Peugeot. This one has the originality to be simultaneously translated in 4 languages, proving at once the will of Peugeot to widely distribute the vehicle internationally.

See in its original language (French) : Il s'agit ici d'une des toutes premières brochures publicitaires pour la 104 Peugeot. Cette dernière à l'originalité d'être simultanément traduites en 4 langues, prouvant d'emblée la volonté de Peugeot de diffuser largement le véhicule à l'international.
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Looking for a Brochure & poster for PEUGEOT 104 / 104 Z?

The Classic Parts Finder community offers you a selection of spare parts for your PEUGEOT 104 / 104 Z, and in particular the following part: Brochure & poster in the following condition: satisfactory.

Vintage advertising - 104 Berline is one original (oem) vintage part.