Advertising booklet - RENAULT 18 (R18) - Ref. 19.121.18
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Advertising booklet - RENAULT 18 (R18) - Ref. 19.121.18

Satisfactory Original (OEM) vintage part


Vintage Renault 18 sales brochure in French. Several traces of use but complete. Year: 1980 38 pages Format: 53 x 23 cm
See the description in its original language (French) : Brochure commerciale d'époque en langue française de Renault 18. Plusieurs traces d'usage mais complet. Année: 1980 38 pages Format: 53 x 23 cm
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Fitment/Compatibility with

RENAULT 18 (R18) RENAULT 18 (R18)
(1978 - 1994)

Part : Brochure & poster for RENAULT 18 (R18)

Part reference : 19.121.18

Professional seller - France Drapeau fr

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Classic Parts Finder's review

The second picture might remind us of a sequence from the famous French cult movie 'Les bronzés font du ski'. It is in any case exactly at the same time that this brochure was published ;-).

See in its original language (French) : La deuxième photo pourrait nous faire penser à une séquence du fameux film culte français 'Les bronzés font du ski'. C'est en tout cas pile à la même époque que cette brochure fut publiée ;-).
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Looking for a Brochure & poster for RENAULT 18 (R18)?

The Classic Parts Finder community offers you a selection of spare parts for your RENAULT 18 (R18), and in particular the following part: Brochure & poster in the following condition: satisfactory. The part carries the reference 19.121.18

Advertising booklet is one original (oem) vintage part.